
Parts Department

Parts Department

With our extensive in-stock inventory, Burien Toyota Scion is likely to have the exact Toyota or Scion auto parts that you need. Conveniently located just a mile west of Sea-Tac Airport, serving the entire Puget Sound area and beyond! Our Toyota Parts Department can deliver locally and overnight anywhere in the world. Keep your car, truck or SUV running like new. Call toll-free 866-295-6337 - operators are standing by, 7:30am - 6pm pacific time, Monday through Friday.
We carry OEM parts at Burien Toyota, but we can also find almost any auto part by VIN number, which is why so many drivers from Burien, Renton, West Seattle, Seattle and beyond rely on us for all their auto parts needs! AND, because we have one of the largest collision centers and body shops in King County, we use alot of parts and can get access to many of the major suppliers with priority status.
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